The U.S. and 20 Other Countries Oppose UN Telecommunications Treaty

Mark Pinkerton December 14, 2012 0
The U.S. and 20 Other Countries Oppose UN Telecommunications Treaty

It’s been almost a year since SOPA and PIPA had been stopped dead in the legislative water, mostly from the uproar it caused by threatening free speech.  The movement seemed to have made people realize how powerful regulation of the internet could be and the implications it could have.  Our UN representatives have also expressed our concern for these types of government control on the internet in Dubai as reported by the Associated Press today.  The move surprised other countries who believed that the treaty was important for providing services for developing nations.  However, the U.S. and other believe it provided too much power for governments to shape and control information.

This sets a standard of believe that the internet is a free dynamic space that is not censored or limited in anyway and that .  As flawed as this internet is, telecommunications policies are something that should be shaped by the people who use them rather than the government in control of it. Thankfully there are those who believe the internet is for the people and the government does not have any right to control or shape it.


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