Galaxy Nexus to be Sprint’s first LTE device?

David Liu January 5, 2012 12
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The Galaxy Nexus, insofar only available on Verizon’s network and in unlocked HSPA+ form, has all but been confirmed for Sprint’s upcoming LTE network. In an advertisement that apparently went up on CNET a moment too soon, the newest addition to Google’s flagship phone series (following the Nexus One and Nexus S) is seen under the big yellow banner.  The Sprint version will have the same beautiful 4.65″ 720p Super AMOLED display as the unlocked and Verizon versions, as well as Android 4.0 and a pair of cameras. Most importantly, however, is the claim that its dual-core processor is clocked at 1.5GHz–300MHz faster than either previous version.

Somewhat strangely, though, Sprint’s LTE network isn’t scheduled to go up until “the first half of 2012,” according to Sprint’s news release–although that could mean any time between now and July, the ultra-high-paced mobile device market could very well see the Galaxy Nexus become merely average or even outdated by the time it’s actually available on that network. Still, though, we can’t think of any other known device more suited for marking the launch of a new LTE network. And Sprint’s no stranger to big network-upgrade launches: back in 2008, the HTC Evo 4G, as the first device available on Sprints new WiMAX network, ushered in the modern era of 4G phones.


  1. Patrick Nosker January 6, 2012 at 12:05 am - Reply

    And… Sprint’s LTE service is live today!

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