Despite massive Day 1 sales, it looks as though PC gamers prefer swords and shields to guns and…riot shields. Bad joke aside, Bethesda’s latest entry in the Elder Scrolls series, Skyrim, is being played more than Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. How many more players? Try 200 thousand more. Recent statistics indicate that as of 4 pm PST, Skyrim had obtained a peak amount of 287,411 players all at once compared with MW3’s 86,832. That’s quite a significant difference considering MW3 was one of, if not the, biggest releases of the year.
This apparently is not a one-day thing, either. If Steam’s statistics are to be believed (and if you don’t, you may be a fanboy), this has been happening all weekend. MW3, with both single- and multiplayer totals together, still peaked at an impressive 125,109 gamers over the weekend. That still doesn’t compare to today’s peak, and it’s a work day.
Do note that this only applies to Steam, and not units sold outside of Steam itself (such as on or console version sales.
“Do note that this only applies to Steam, and not units sold outside of Steam itself (such as on or console version sales. ”
All PC versions of both games run on steam, whether you buy a digital copy on steam or a retail copy from a store. Still, it is impressive that Skyrim managed to beat MW3 by that much, especially when you factor in that a single player game like Skyrim is much easier to pirate because it doesn’t depend on Steam servers for multiplayer. Pirated copies do not log into Steam, and so do not count towards the tally.
The statistics are funny.. because everytime i log into multiplayer on COD MW3, i see that there is over 1 million players online. MW3 release peaked over 1.4million players all at once. Get your facts straight.
Ok PaniiCC…
Yep looks like his facts are straight today too, just like there were when he originally got them. Not sure when you’re logging in or where your figures are coming from or if they’re even real. Perhaps you’re disingenuously trying to compare MW3’s total numbers concurrently playing on PC, Xbox360, and PS3 to the PC-only statistics being discussed here.
No way to edit post, but here’s a site that stores daily snapshots of the Steam Game Stats
According to that Skyrim has consistently outpaced MW3 since lauch. MW3’s highest peak for both versions was about 110k (note that single-player and multi-player peaks do not overlap and did not occur on the same days). Skyrim’s largest peak was 280k and its still up near that high now.