T-Mobile unveiled the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus on Tuesday. The 4G tablet is available for purchase starting November 16, 2011 and requires a qualified data plan with the carrier. The curious pricing plan for the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus requires “a $249.99 down payment at T-Mobile retail stores. Each require a $50 mail-in rebate, with a T-Mobile Value Mobile Broadband plan, two-year service agreement, and 20 interest free monthly payments of $10 on approved credit.” What that means is that you will need to fork over $299.99 at the initial sale to walk out with a Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus. In addition, you will not be the full owner of the device for another 20 months as you make $10 monthly payments.
So what are you getting? The updated Tab comes equipped with a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, 16 GB of internal memory and a micro SD card slot that supports up to an additional 32 GB of expandable memory. It also has a 3-megapixel rear-facing camera with flash for photo, and Mobile HD video capture and playback in 720p as well as a 2-megapixel front-facing camera which can be used for Video Chat. As with the previous version, there is Adobe Flash support. The Galaxy Tab Plus also has an infrared sensor for use as a universal remote control which can come in handy.
All together, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus has some nice upgrades compared to the previous version but whether or not the pricing and service commitment appeals to many consumers remains to be seen.