Kid in China Sells Kidney for Apple iPad 2

Matthew Torino June 2, 2011 0

A teenager in Asia has sold one of his kidneys for an Apple iPad 2. The boy took 20,000 yuan ($3,000 American) for his kidney from an apparently random guy who propositioned him on the Internet.

"I wanted to buy an iPad 2 but could not afford it," the boy, surnamed Zheng, told the Chinese language Global Times. "A broker contacted me on the Internet and said he could help me sell one kidney for 20,000 yuan."

The hospital that then performed the surgery in Chenzhou City, China apparently wasn’t qualified to perform the surgery and now the teen isn’t “feeling well.” That’s what organ transplants do in the third world I guess.

Also, his mother didn’t find out until after the fact and now a police investigation is being launched into this iPad 2-for-money trade. We'll hopefully have more as it develops. But it's probably not a good idea to sell your kidney on the black market in a third world country whose hospitals aren't qualified to perform the procedure. 

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