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NetZero To Launch “Free” Wireless Internet Service

NetZero To Launch “Free” Wireless Internet Service

Michael Convente March 20, 2012 0

NetZero is back!  Well, actually you may be surprised to learn that similar to other ’90s phenomenons that are still around (like Beanie Babies and Tamagotchis),  NetZero never left.  While the company somehow still

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Google to sell off its stake in Clearwire at a $453 million loss

Google to sell off its stake in Clearwire at a $453 million loss

David Liu February 25, 2012 1

Google is selling its 29.4-million-share-stake in the struggling Clearwire for a paltry $47.1 million, a sizable markdown from the $500 million they paid for their 6.5% stake over three years ago. The transaction would

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