‘Jersey Shore’ Dominates Social Media Scene During Season 4 Premiere

Michael Convente August 5, 2011 0

Our favorite guidos and guidettes have done it once again.  Last night's premiere episode of the fourth season of 'Jersey Shore' shattered ratings records, with a total of 8.8 million viewers.  But perhaps what is more amazing is the absolute domination of the social media scene that the 'GTL', 'T-Shirt Time', and now 'grenade horn' crew pulled off last night.  Within minutes of the episode starting, at least three of the trending topics on Twitter referred to Jersey Shore, and by two-thirds through the episode, that number doubled, with topics such as #JerseyShore, #Jerzday, Sam and Ronnie, and Grenade Horn lighting up the trending topics board.

SocialGuide.com, a tracking service that measures social media impact of television shows as they are aired, reported that Jersey Shore totaled an incredible 65.29% of all users who made at least one comment or tweet about any show all day yesterday.  And out of the total number of comments and tweets made yesterday, Jersey Shore racked up a whopping 62.13%.  'Big Brother', the second place show for the night, came in with a paltry 2.95% of total comments.

In other words, it really was #Jerzday last night, at least in the social media world.

For anyone who thought the Jersey Shore sensation was starting to slow down, last night's TV ratings and social media impact stats show the exact opposite – Jersey Shore has never been as popular.

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