Hip Shot Dot is a Start Garden funded child of Tim Murphy over at Kill Streak Industries and it’s a simple yet effective way of keeping track of your reticle when playing FPS games. It consists of a small red LED that is attached to a suction cup which you place in the middle of your sights in the game. Taking the age old marker/tape, or decal trick and makes it even better. In many games this actually gives an advantage in no scoping, no need for red dot sight attachment, etc.
The LED is quite bright and brings your attention very easily on the screen, the suction cup is very clear and adds only a mild distortion of the onscreen action. The suction cup is also very small as well so it is not distracting. The hanging wire does obscure only the slightest amount and can be secured by another suction cup, from a normal gaming distance on a console it looks like a big red dot reticle on your TV (it also looks like your TV has turned into HAL). The entire unit is power via USB port. The only thing that worries me a bit about this product is removal from an LCD screen, it seems a bit harsh at times. Yet, so far my concerns are unfounded. So, if you can foot the bill of 29.99 you can get yourself a little edge over the unaware online.
[vimeo id=”76462208″ width=”600″ height=”350″]