HP Touchpad WebOS Firesale – Where to find a Touchpad for $99?

Patrick Nosker August 20, 2011 0

Well HP has reduced their price of Touchpads to clear them out at the set prices of $99 for the 16 GB variant and $149 for the 32 GB.  Unfortunately, they're very difficult to get.

The best bet appears now to go to a brick and mortar (real physical store) Walmart or Staples and ask for them to check their corporate prices for a pricematch.

When we find out more, we'll let you know.

If you're worried that there will be no support, you're right. HP won't have much incentive to develop anything for WebOS until another company licenses it. However, several independent developers are developing Android for the Touchpad. A Gingerbread derivative is currently running on some development Touchpads. Keep your eyes open for Android on the Touchpad!

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