If you had money in either PokerStars or Full Tilt Online Poker, you’ll be able to withdraw your money and get it all back thankfully. Both of these sites were granted permission to use their formerly seized domain names again. Last week, these two companies, along with Absolute Poker, were indicted on charges of bank fraud and money laundering, sending all sorts of online poker addicts into depression and fear of losing their earnings.
Players will not be able to deposit money into their accounts. They will only be open for users to withdraw their funds from the charged online poker companies for the purpose of recouping lost money. There will be an independent monitor to oversee these transactions. The same offer is on the table for Absolute Poker though it’s not known whether they’ll take it. PokerStars and Full Tilt are online now and your funds are able to now be withdrawn and saved from the government seizure.
Though if you were playing these games, you probably lost a ton of money anyway so it’s good that they’re gone for U.S. players.
It’s currently unknown whether these companies will be able to receive control of their U.S. domain names again in the future but non-United States players once again now will have access to these sites to play for actual money, something that’s illegal in the United States. That legislation was circumvented by these three sites allegedly.
The domains remain blocked for now but now you won’t have to lose money to other people or the online poker companies or the federal government. You can finally withdraw it and rest easy.