A couple of sweet deals are contained within today's Daily Gaming Update, including the ability to win a voucher for a free NGP (or PSP2 for those of you who like that name). That's not even the craziest thing being given away though, as you can also win a vacation for two by purchasing one of this week's weekly arcade title. We've got all that and oh so much more contained inside, so come swimming.
Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll is slated for a release so close you can sneeze on it, with the game slated for a February 8th release. If you either haven't heard of the game or don't know whether you want to purchase it yet Tecmo Koei has released a new trailer that shows many of the game's features and its unique art style.
Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll will be released exclusively on the PS3 come February 8th
[Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll]-$59.99
One of the most important relationships on the golf course is between a golfer is between a golfer and his caddie. In spite of its importance, this feature has been lacking in the Tiger Woods PGA Tour series. That's set to change in 2012 with the inclusion of a caddie to help you. The developers have released a new trailer that shows just how helpful your on-course partner will be.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2012 will be released on March 29th for all consoles.
[Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2012]-$ $59.99(PS3), 49.95
(Wii), $59.95
(Xbox 360)
You know the drill by now; beginning of the week, time for a set of sweet XBLA deals. This week is no exception as you can get Hydrophobia for 400 MSP (down from 800), Hydro Thunder Hurricane for 800 MSP (down from 1200) or Aqua for 400 MSP (down from 800 MSP). However, this week Microsoft and Dark Energy Digital are giving you something extra.
Players who download Hydrophobia between now and the end of the week (February 6th) will be entered to win a "water themed vacation for two". In addition, five other players who buy Hydrophobia during the same period will win 4,000 MSP. If you do decide to pick it up, be sure to give the developers your feedback, at the listening post. If you're curious about who's eligible, check out the full contest deals here.
Previously puzzle gamers who wanted to give Zoe Studio's Chime series a try were limited to the Xbox 360 or PC to get that fixed. That changed today with the announcement of Super Chime Deluxe a puzzler coming exclusively to the PSN this Spring.
The release will see the same type of Lumines inspired puzzle gameplay that the series has become known for. This latest version will also include a new soundtrack and some different multiplayer modes for players to compete against their friends with. You'll be getting your hands on this puzzler come Spring.
[Super Chime Deluxe]-$TBA
SEGA is just piling on the video game announcements right now. First there was the Anarchy Reigns announcement and now the developer/publisher has announced SEGA Rally Online. The game will be bringing back many features of the SEGA Rally series including a Championship Battle Mode and Time Attack.
You'll be racing against your friends sometime later this year on both the PSN and XBLA
[SEGA Rally Online]-$TBA
Some may that it's a little early to starting giving away free NGPs, it was just announced after all. However, the lovely people at Kontrol Freek beg to differ. Tooday they announced that they will be holding a contest to give away free Next Generation Portables.
All you need to do to enter is become a fan of KontrolFreek on Facebook and wait until February 8th. On that date they will announce the randomly selected winners and send them vouchers for an NGP and certain KontrolFreek products. No word on just how many they'll be giving away, but it certainly can't hurt to enter.