Tweet Leads Interpol to Arrest Journalist

Patrick Nosker February 11, 2012 0
Tweet Leads Interpol to Arrest Journalist

Saudi Arabia issued a “Red” notice via Interpol when a journalist tweeted something potentially insulting to Muhammad.  Hamza Kashgari was detained at an airport in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when they noticed there was a red notice for his name to be detained. The now deleted tweet read, “I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you and there is a lot I don’t understand about you … I will not pray for you.”

The tweet and detainment sparked a fiery debate with a Facebook group titled “The Saudi People Demand the Execution of Hamza Kashgari” having over 13,000 members and even more tweets and death threats due to his posting on Muhammad’s birthday.  More recent criticisms have recently come up regarding Interpol’s warning system being used for political purposes including a similar red notice issued last year for an Asian separatist leader.

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