PlayStation Vita updated a second time in ten days

Matt Evangelist December 27, 2011 0
PlayStation Vita updated a second time in ten days

Earlier today, Sony released another update, 1.51, to fix a handful of system problems that have caused gamers a bit of grief with their games. This is the second update to the Vita in only ten days, with the first, 1.50, occurring at the Vita’s launch in Japan on December 17. Importers of the Vita may have noticed this update is significantly smaller than the launch one.

(A Google translated version of Sony’s release statement can be found here.)

Sony has announced that this update fixes a freezing issue that is affecting “some games,” most notably the launch title Dynasty Warriors Next. It is interesting that Sony would claim the update addresses “some” games, but only lists Dynasty Warriors Next. This may be due to claims that a variety of other problems gamers have been having with the Vita have been denied by Sony and dismissed as problems with the games themselves. Regardless, the fact that problems are being addressed now means gamers overseas can rest easy knowing their Vitas will (hopefully) be in fully functioning condition upon release in February 2012.

The PlayStation Vita has had a reasonable start with 325,000 units moved in the first two days. As many gamers will undoubtedly compare the Vita with the 3DS (as they have with the PSP and DS), Vita fans may be displeased to learn the 3DS outsold the Vita in its first 48 hours with 371,000 units moved. Only time will tell which is the more successful console in terms of actual sales.

The PlayStation Vita will arrive on US shores February 22, 2012 for $250 with a 3G-enabled version from AT&T available for $300. By that time, Sony claims that 33 titles will be available for launch including Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.



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