Xbox 360 users eager to watch a movie with their friends through Xbox Live were likely wondering what had happened to the Netflix Party application. The feature allowed for users to bring their friends into the Netflix app to watch a movie or show together.
Yesterday (December 6) Microsoft released its third dashboard update to the masses, adding plenty of new features to the 360 dashboard. Curiously, the Netfix Party app had been removed in the update. Users were not made aware of the removal at any point in the update.
According to IGN, Microsoft had this to say about the removal:
“The new app platform on Xbox does not support the video party mode feature at this time, so will not be available in any existing app partners that have updated their app, like Netflix, or any of the new Xbox app partners. The feature is still available in some of our international video apps, like BSkyB in the UK and will likely be included in the next version of the app dev kit. For customers that would like to chat with their Xbox LIVE friends while gaming or watching videos the chat feature is still available via the Xbox Guide.”
Hopefully, the feature will be re-implemented in the near future. For now, users will have to settle for just playing games together.