The XGear 360 Shield Folio Case isn’t your normal case for the Apple iPad 2. It’s not made of leather and it doesn’t have a keyboard and it isn’t made by some big name company. But when we received this case from XGear, we knew it was more than worth looking at.
The first thing you notice about this case is that it’s see through. There aren’t fancy designs or marks working as billboards for a company; looking at it you won’t notice an XGear logo anywhere. It looks generic but acts far from it.
One of the key selling points for an iPad 2 is its inherent style and the see through style of this case shows that off. Barring glare, you’ll showcase that iPad to all your friends and people who wish they could afford one.
It’s not extremely expensive either, checking in at $39.99. That’s less than a third of Oberon Design and less than half of an Otterbox model. It won’t provide the craftsmanship or protection of those respectively but it will allow the iPad 2’s style to shine on through.
It can turn into a stand that snaps into place and also has rubber circles on the bottom to provide traction to make sure it doesn’t go anywhere. It isn’t as innovative as Belkin’s, which function as NASCAR tires, but does have them on both sides at least.
There’s nothing groundbreaking here but the see through idea is a good one. You can show off that iPad and your high living Apple lifestyle with protection at the same time. This case is more than worth it for the price. It may not be as flashy as the others but is well worth your time and money.
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