Alas, the once-trendy but now overshadowed Flip Camera from Cisco Systems is going the way of the Dodo bird. In a press release to shareholders, Cisco announced today that it will be restructuring its entire consumer business sector, of which includes a shutdown of its Flip business. Upon entering the consumer market in 2006, the Flip camera was a hit, mostly because of it's solid quality, reasonable price (at the time, at least), and customizable design options. However, the emergence over the last two years of smart phones with HD video cameras has seriously dented the market for a personal electronic product with only one capability.
Cisco's entrance into the trendy world of consumer electronics was fairly remarkable, especially considering the core sector of the company is IT products. The Flip camera had a good run, but compared to smart phones that take good quality HD video plus literally dozens of other functions when you account for apps, at $129 the Flip camera is just not a good purchase anymore. So thus, Flip camera, we bid thee farewell. But before we say good bye for the last time, we remember the good times:
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