Nothing earth shattering today folks, although we do have a couple of cool trailers. After the official release date announcement for Dungeon Siege 3, Square Enix has released the a trailer for their upcoming RPG. On top of that there's also a first look at a new incoming Galaga game and the final dates for the XBLA House party.
Namco Bandai released the Pacman Championship Edition DX to some pretty rave reviews earlier this year; the reviews were so good, in fact that they appear to be working on more updates to their classic franchises. Today a first look at Galaga Legacy DX hit the web, and it is a positive visual feast for fans of shmups. Have a look.
Pretty much no other info on this one is available yet, but color us salivating.
[Galaga Legacy DX]-$TBA
Now that Dungeons is out on PC you may want to give it a try before you spend your hard earned money on Kalypso's Dungeon Keeper-esque release. That's why you can now pick up a demo from a number of different sources including FilePlanet, Big Download, and Fileshack.
The demo will sport three of the game's 17 single player missions and a survival mode map, which should be plenty to at least give you an impression of whether or not Dungeons is worth your time.
In a slightly strange move, when Microsoft first announced the XBLA House Party, they didn't give any order for the release, only stating that Hard Corps Uprising would start the party. Now that the promotion is a week before starting, Major Nelson has given XBLA users the exact dates and pricing for the upcoming promotion. Order will be:
- February 16th: Hard Corps Uprising (1200 MSP)
- February 23rd: Bejeweled Blitz (800 MSP)
- March 2nd:Beyond Good & Evil HD (800 MSP)
- March 9th: Torchlight (1200 MSP)
- March 16th: Full House Poker (800 MSP)
Although the lineup doesn't look quite as sweet as the Summer Of Arcade or Games For The Holidays, but there definitely look to be some solid releases there.
Source: Major Nelson
NCSoft and Paragon studios announced today that they're bringing their animal side to City of Heroes in a couple of weeks with the release of the City of Heroes Animal Pack. The downloadable content will include 60 new costume parts and patterns, six new emotes, two new auras, and one new travel power.
You can get in touch with your wild side on February 23rd for $9.99.
Square Enix made a bold move last week by announcing an official release date for Dungeon Siege III more than three months away from the game's release. Now that the announcement has been made they're putting their full weight behind it, releasing a trailer for the upcoming RPG. It's pretty standard fare, but if you're curious about the game it does give you a little info.
Dungeon Siege 3 will be hitting Xbox 360, PS3, and PC on May 22nd.
[Dungeon Siege III]-$49.99(PC),$59.99
(Xbox 360), & $59.99
(Xbox 360)
Even though it's only been out for a couple of weeks, Atomic Games is already out with the first patch for their destructive shooter. The changes included are pretty par for the course when it comes to patch updates: lag reduction, bug fixes, and network connectivity improved. The patch is currently only available to the PC, but it'll be out on other consoles "soon".
Breach is available on PC and Xbox 360 now.
[Breach]-1200MSP, $19.99(PC)